Bioacoustic Mat and Brainwaves

Brainwaves are the electrical pulses responsible for the communication between the neurons in your brains. The state of your brain and how your day is going have an inseparable relationship.

Using an EEG (electroencephalography), a small metal band fitted with sensors that rests on your head, you can measure your brain activity. Some of these might sound familiar to you, alpha waves, theta waves, delta waves. These different waves accompany the different types of emotional states.

Types of Brainwaves

Delta brainwaves are slow, loud waves. These waves suspend our external awareness and are associated with the deepest stages of sleep. Research has found that delta waves contribute to regulating many of our unconscious bodily functions, as well as giving us more restful sleep.

Theta brainwaves occur most often during sleep, where we experience greater imagery and information than our normal consciousness. Theta waves provide a positive mental state, encourages creativity, and are associated with learning and memory.

Alpha brainwaves occur during quiet thought. This brainwave can be recognized as the resting state of the brain. Alpha waves aid us in keeping calm and coordinating thoughts.

Beta brainwaves dominate waking consciousness. This type of wave is generated when attention is directed towards cognitive tasks. Beta waves are described as fast and are present when we are engaged and focused.

And finally, we have Gamma brainwaves, the fastest of brainwaves. This wave passes information quickly, and because of how quiet this wave is, it was first dismissed as “spare brain noise”. Gamma waves are more of a recent discovery, so our understanding of them is still evolving, but it is speculated that they play a role in how we engage with our consciousness.

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